Terverifikasi Administratif dan Faktual oleh Dewan Pers

Isi Surat Balasan FIFA ke Farid Rahman

By Ario Yosia - Kamis, 18 April 2013 | 04:51 WIB

FIFA secara resmi telah membalas surat yang dilayangkan Wakil Ketua Umum PSSI terhukum, Farid Rahman, per tanggal 16 April 2013. Farid Rahman beserta lima anggota Komite Eksekutif PSSI lainnya melaporkan ke FIFA keputusan PSSI menjatuhkan skorsing kepada mereka yang dinilai melanggar statuta. Seperti apa respons FIFA terhadap protes mereka? Berikut petikan surat FIFA yang ditujukan ke PSSI.

Zurich, 16 April 2013


Football Association of Indonesia Extraordinary Congress 17 March 2013

Dear Sir,

We Acknowledge receipt of your various relating to the Football Association of Indonesia Extraordinary Congress held on 17 March 2013.

In this respect, we regret to inform you that customarily, FIFA only corresponds with its member Association via its President and General Secretary.

Additionally and after a thorough analysis of the facts reported in your correspondence, we have to inform you that this seems to be an internal matter which does not come under the remit of the FIFA authorities.

As a consequence of the above, FIFA is not in a position to intervene in this matter.

Finally, we kindly draw your attention to the fact that this information is only of a general nature and, therefore, without prejudice to any decision that any competent body may be called to pass in this or similar matters in the future.

We thank you for your kind attention to the above and trust in your understanding.

Yours sincerely,


Marcus Kattner

Deputy Secretary General

Cc : AFC