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Cristiano Saat ini Pegang 25 Rekor di Liga Champions! Apa saja?

By Imadudin Adam - Kamis, 3 Oktober 2019 | 11:15 WIB
Megabintang Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo
Megabintang Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo

JUARA.NET - Cristiano sukses memecahkan dan menyamai sejumlah rekor Liga Champions usai kemenangan 3-0 atas Bayer Leverkusen pada Rabu, (2/10/2019).

Pesepak bola berusia 34 tahun ini memperpanjang keunggulannya atas Lionel Messi sebagai pencetak gol Liga Champions terbanyak sepanjang masa menjadi 128 gol.

Itu berarti Ronaldo kini telah mencetak gol dalam 14 musim Liga Champions berturut-turut. Dia juga berhasil membobol 33 klub yang berbeda untuk menyamai rekornya dengan Raul Gonzalez.

Baca Juga: VIDEO - Lihat! Umpan Brilian Lionel Messi yang Sukses Dieksekusi Suarez

Kemenangan untuk Juventus juga ke-102 Ronaldo di kompetisi itu, yang membuatnya melampaui angka 101 yang merupakan rekor milik Iker Casillas.

Memang masih banyak rekor yang bisa dipecahkan Ronaldo, tapi pencapaiannya sekarang juga sudah luar biasa.

Sejauh ini ada 35 rekor yang kini dipegang oleh seorang Cristiano Ronaldo.

  • Most goals in Champions League history - 128
  • Most goals in a Champions League season - 17 (2013/14)
  • Most Champions League final wins - 5
  • Most times as Champions League top goalscorer - 7
  • Only player to score three hat-tricks in a Champions League season (2015/16)
  • Only player to score in three Champions League finals
  • Oldest player to score a Champions League hat-trick (34 years and 35 days)
  • Most hat-tricks in Champions League history - 8 (joint)
  • Most goals in the Champions League knockout phase - 66
  • Most goals in the Champions League knockout phase in one season - 11
  • First player to score 100 Champions League goals
  • First player to score 100 Champions League goals for one club (Real Madrid)
  • Only player to score in all six Champions League group stage matches (2017/18)
  • Only player to score 10 goals in seven consecutive Champions League seasons
  • Most braces or more in Champions League history - 35
  • Most Champions League games scored in a row - 11
  • Most away Champions League games scored in a row - 12
  • Most home Champions League games scored in a row - 7 (joint)
  • Most Champions League opponents scored against - 33 (joint)
  • Most Champions League victories - 102
  • Most Champions League goals scored against clubs from one country - 27 (Germany)
  • Most Champions League goals scored against a single opponent - 10 (Juventus)
  • Most Champions League seasons scored in a row - 14 (joint)
  • Most goals scored in Champions League finals - 4
  • Most Champions League penalties scored - 16 (19 taken)

Editor : Imadudin Adam
Sumber : Give Me Sport


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