Koma Hingga Dinilai Akan Meninggal, Legenda UFC Tunjukan Mental Sejati Seorang Petarung

By Fiqri Al Awe - Kamis, 18 Juni 2020 | 21:15 WIB
Legenda UFC Matt Hughes (kiri) bersama petarung wnaita, Amanda Nunes (kanan).
Legenda UFC Matt Hughes (kiri) bersama petarung wnaita, Amanda Nunes (kanan).

JUARA.NET - Legenda UFC, Matt Hughes baru-baru ini mengunggah beberapa video perjalanan hidupnya setelah alami kecelakaan maut pada 2017 lalu.

Tanggal 16 Juni 2017, Hughes yang tengah mengendarai trek-nya tentu tidak menyangka bahwa kehidupannya akan berubah 360 derajat.

Trek yang ia kendarai harus menjadi korban keganasan kereta saat melintasi penyeberangan di dekat daerah permukiman Montgomery.

Kecelakaan tersebut membuat dirinya mengalami situasi hampir mati, hingga alami koma yang sangat serius.

Melihat keadaan fatal Hughes, bahkan tim medis yang menanganinya tidak yakin legenda UFC ini bakal bisa sadar dari komanya.

Namun, takdir berkata lain, mantan petarung ini akhirnya bisa melewati masa koma dan berangsur membaik.

Baca Juga: Kisah Petarung UFC Titisan Mike Tyson, Berawal dari Manusia Selundupan Hingga Jadi Predator

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6-16-17. My accident was 3 years ago today. In some ways it doesn't feel like that long ago, but in other ways, my old life feels like a lifetime ago. My life has changed so much in these past 3 years. Some for the better, some for the worse. According to my MRI, I should have never woke up from my coma. I should be dead or have what is referred to as locked-in syndrome. About a year after my accident, I got complacent. I wasn't noticing any big improvements. I was depressed, I felt like a burden, I felt worthless, and I would pray for God to take me. This past year has been an awakening for me. I have a new mindset and goals. I am beyond grateful for every physician, doctor, nurse, therapist, coach, first responder, family member, friend, etc. who worked with me over the past 3 years. I thank God for guiding their hands and their decisions. I am extremely thankful for all the many prayers from each and every one of you. To my friends and family who stuck it out with me during all the ups and downs, I wouldn't be here if not for you. As an athlete, I thought I knew the body well. I realized, I know nothing when it comes to the brain. I still have a long way to go and I still have days where I get extremely sad and down, but I refuse to accept "this is as good as it's going to get". If you are caring for someone with a brain injury, please be patient with them. Please don't pick arguments or be overly critical. Educate yourself about the injury before you assume we are just being difficult for no reason. If you have a brain injury, get help immediately. Stick to your therapy. Try and surround yourself with supportive people. See a counselor to help you through the tough times. Remove negative people and as much stress as possible from your life. This injury will not fix itself over time. You have to challenge yourself daily. Push your body further than what you think is possible. Finally, thank you all for the support and encouragement you have given me these past 3 years. It definitely helps. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. Please keep the prayers coming, I sure do appreciate them. #rebirth #tbi #tbiawareness #aliveday

A post shared by Matt Hughes (@matthughes9x) on

Meski demikian, kecelakaan tersebut membuat dirinya tidak bisa bergerak seperti dulu lagi karena kerusakan pada otak dan bagian tubuhnya.

Hancur kehilangan semuanya Hughes mengaku sangat sulit menerima keadaan yang ada.

"Sekitar satu tahun setelah kecelakaan. Saya tidak melihat ada perbedaan yang besar dalam penyembuhan saya. Saya depresi, saya merasa terikat, merasa tidak berguna bahkan meminta Tuhan mengambil saya," utas Hughes dilansir Juara.net dari MMA Fighting.

Editor : Imadudin Adam
Sumber : MMAFighting.com


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